Trends Report

The Top Five Technology Trends That Affect Your Enterprise Content Management Strategy

October 4th, 2007
Kyle McNabb, null
Kyle McNabb
With contributors:
Craig Le Clair , Rob Koplowitz , Barry Murphy , Diana Levitt , Connie Moore


Defining a strategy for enterprise content management (ECM) challenges most enterprises. Most information and knowledge managers focus their attention on very tangible areas such as IT consolidation, risk mitigation, and using ECM to improve business processes. Yet many point to a lack of future insight into ECM trends as an inhibitor to their strategy development. Numerous trends will affect ECM over the next few years. But information and knowledge managers should pay closest attention to five key trends that will affect their ECM strategies: 1) tech populism; 2) pervasive information management infrastructures; 3) new software models (like open source, Software-as-a-Service (SaaS), and managed services), 4) the use of persuasive content for enhancing the customer experience; and 5) the new IT imperative — design for people, build for change.

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