Trends Report

The Web Dominates US Auto Insurance Research

How Auto Insurers Can Take Advantage Of Consumers' Online Research Habits

September 11th, 2008
Bill Doyle, null
Bill Doyle
With contributors:
Peter Wannemacher , Benjamin Ensor , Kate van Geldern


In 2007, nearly 15 million Americans researched auto insurance on the Internet. These US online auto insurance researchers are an attractive group for insurers: They are relatively wealthy, financially active online, and prone to buying financial products. Younger adults and people who have been online for a number of years are most likely to use the Web to research auto insurance. But online researchers are less likely to apply for an auto policy than researchers who use other channels such as an in-person visit. To encourage more online researchers to become applicants, eBusiness and channel strategy professionals need to streamline their quote engines and address the security and privacy concerns that cause users to abandon online applications.

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