Forecast Report

Forrester Research Search Engine Marketing Forecast, 2014 To 2019 (Western Europe)

ForecastView Spreadsheet

Carmine G. Lengua, Jr.
Sep 19, 2014


As we progress deeper into the age of the customer, search marketers face mounting challenges and opportunities. Traditional search engine marketing (SEM) and search engine optimization (SEO) are evolving into the broader and more consumer-driven discipline of discovery enablement. This shift is the single most important consideration for search marketers today. Between oft-updated web crawling algorithms, new devices, ever-growing social networks, the advent of voice search and intelligent agents/smart assistants, and the rapid growth of vertical/metasearch engines, you can (and must) connect consumers in more ways than ever before — and right in their moments of need — in order to win, serve, and retain customers. This forecast sizes the paid search market by country in Western Europe and provides an outlook for growth over the next five years. Included are views into growth in SEO spending and, new this year, a breakdown of paid search spending between desktop (which includes desktop and laptop) and mobile (which includes smartphone and tablet).

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