Trends Report

The Online LGBT Traveler: A Fabulous, Value-Focused Travel eBusiness Niche Market

August 3rd, 2010
Henry H. Harteveldt, null
Henry H. Harteveldt
With contributors:
Patti Freeman Evans , Benjamin Zeidler , Elizabeth Stark


There are more than 7 million US online lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) leisure travelers. LGBT travelers spend more than $41 billion per year on their personal and leisure travel and tend to be more engaged with online travel booking than straight travelers. LGBT travelers are more likely than straight travelers to fly and rent cars, but they'll book those — and other — travel services with a keen eye on getting good value, reflecting the recession's impact. Travel eBusiness professionals who want to successfully sell to LGBT travelers must understand that their success depends on offering the right travel content — in the right way.

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