Trends Report

Top Customer Experience Takeaways From The Web 2.0 Expo, 2009

January 25th, 2010
Harley Manning, null
Harley Manning
With contributors:
Rachel Zinser , Richard Gans


Forrester recently attended the Web 2.0 Expo in New York, where presenters discussed techniques to improve customer experience. Among speakers' top recommendations for customer experience professionals: Consider user needs and goals when planning a content strategy, use simple visuals to convey complex concepts more effectively, apply usability fixes to parts of a site that generate the most call center traffic, and look outside of your industry for design best practices. Forrester's take: By using processes and methodologies that focus on user needs and goals throughout the development process, customer experience professionals can build experiences that satisfy users and eventually chart a path to Experience-Based Differentiation (EBD).

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