Essentials Report

Topic Overview: Legacy Applications

Forrester's Reference Guide For Effective Management Of Legacy Applications

August 30th, 2007
Phil Murphy, null
Phil Murphy
With contributors:
Marc Cecere , R "Ray" Wang , Randy Heffner , Tim DeGennaro


As an industry, IT tends to dismiss rather than reuse previous technology genres and, as a result, has spent vast sums to rip and replace technology for technology's sake, often at the expense of business value. With value-to-the-business being the rallying cry of 21st century IT, CIOs are struggling to reconcile the ways of the past with value-to-the-business, creating a resurgence in interest in legacy modernization. CIOs who wish to survive must prove to their business peers that they are good stewards of the organization's existing technology investments by selectively pruning bad legacy technology, rather then ripping and replacing good legacy technology.

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