Trends Report

Transform From Top Lead Supplier Into Leader Of Customer Engagement

The New Physics Of Lead-To-Revenue Management

October 8th, 2013
Lori Wizdo, null
Lori Wizdo
With contributors:
Alexandra Hayes , David M. Cooperstein


The report "The New Physics Of Lead-To-Revenue Management," originally written for sales enablement professionals, explains that standard practices, which demonstrate marketing spend's impact on revenue performance, are only the prelude to a bigger lead-to-revenue management (L2RM) payoff. CMOs of business-to-business (B2B) companies must understand these impacts to prove the value of marketing in the demand generation process. Forrester believes that CMOs must exploit new investment in campaign automation, data management, and content marketing to deepen customer knowledge and tap this insight to deliver obsessively what each customer uniquely needs and wants. In this report, B2B CMOs learn how to look beyond the funnel to design L2RM processes that meet the needs of evolved customers throughout their life cycle from need identification to purchase, use, and measurement of outcomes for the business.

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