Trends Report

Trends 2009: Governance, Risk, And Compliance Hit The Big Time

The Economic Crisis Of 2008 Makes GRC A Business Priority

December 23rd, 2008
Christopher McClean, null
Christopher McClean
With contributors:
Scott Tiazkun , Alissa Dill


Another bubble burst. The chain reaction stemming from the credit crisis caused an implosion of the global economy. Political, corporate, and economic leaders have argued ferociously about how we can reverse the damage, questioning business ethics, the role of government, and even fundamental economic assumptions. While the dust settles, professionals responsible for governance, risk, and compliance (GRC) will play major roles in transforming the corporate landscape to reduce the possibility for another such collapse. Process and technology strategies in 2009 will focus on risk standardization, increasing oversight, performance and risk management coordination, evolving expectations of corporate responsibility, and big shifts in GRC technologies.

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