Trends Report

Trends 2009: Human Resource Management

Talent Strategies Adjust To The Business Climate

November 21st, 2008
Paul Hamerman, null
Paul Hamerman
Zach Thomas
With contributors:
Sharyn Leaver , Meghan Donnelly


Human resource management (HRM) will be a key area of focus in 2009 as companies and government organizations put in place strategies to cope with the economic crisis and recovery. The so called "war for talent" is on the backburner as the focus shifts to hiring freezes, benefits and compensation cost management, and workforce reductions in the hardest-hit segments. HRM technology solutions can help savvy human resources (HR) professionals strategically manage through the crisis and prepare as the climate shifts to the upside. Trends that we will follow in 2009 include managing and developing talent, embracing HRM analytics, Web 2.0 adoption, and HR technology strategy.

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