Trends Report

Trends 2011: Video Enters Travel eBusiness Prime Time

February 15th, 2011
Henry Harteveldt, null
Henry Harteveldt
With contributors:
Patti Freeman Evans , Douglas Roberge


Forrester expects that the use of video content on travel websites will emerge as a significant trend in travel eBusiness in 2011. Why? For one thing, more than one in five US online leisure travelers are watching travel video online — and most of them watch it on websites belonging to travel organizations like travel agencies, tourism bureaus, and travel suppliers. Video offers numerous benefits — including the all-important potential to help boost online sales. As eBusiness professionals at travel firms consider their strategies for the video content they offer on their websites, they need to remember to focus on the four key categories of video content (discovery, consumption, content, and context) and to anticipate mobile as a video delivery platform.

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