Trends Report

Understand Oracle Better To Marshal Maximum Software Negotiation Leverage

Savvier Buyers Can Get A Better Deal From This Powerful Supplier

April 27th, 2012
Duncan Jones, null
Duncan Jones
With contributors:


Welcome to Oracle "May-nia," the final month of Oracle's financial year during which Forrester estimates the company will sell around $4 billion in software. If you're one of the many sourcing and vendor management (SVM) professionals buying some of that Oracle software, then you're about to be in negotiations with some of the most able, highly trained, and well-motivated sales reps on the planet. They will of course have some underlying goals for this process, one of which will be to maximize each deal's value while resisting your efforts to amend Oracle's standard contract terms. Nevertheless, some Forrester clients are able to secure significant discounts and valuable contract changes by identifying key areas of potential bargaining leverage, working these into a coherent negotiation strategy, and focusing the discussions on a few key objectives. Moreover, Oracle has particular challenges right now that give well-informed buyers additional bargaining chips. You can't avoid Oracle because its product portfolio is too broad and too good, but this report will explain what you can do to get the best possible deal.

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