Trends Report

Use Interactive Marketing Dashboards To Improve Decision-Making

How To Plan, Build, And Optimize Your Dashboards

September 19th, 2011
Ari Osur, null
Ari Osur
With contributors:
David Truog , Joe Stanhope , Joanna O'Connell , Sarah Glass , James McDavid


Deluged with data, interactive marketers wrestle with summarizing and communicating information. Essential life jackets in this raging sea: well-crafted dashboards. They help interactive marketers distill and understand information and — most importantly — they advance the organization's ability to make decisions. To build valuable dashboards, interactive marketers must take a three-phased approach. Start with planning: Define your vision, win over senior-level champions, and drive business process changes that enable insightful measurement. Once the plan is in place, it's time to build and optimize.

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