Roadmap Report

Use Moonshot Innovations To Define Your Company’s Future

Focus On Seemingly Unsolvable Problems, And Don’t Stop Until You Succeed

May 7th, 2019
James Staten, null
James Staten
With contributors:
Matthew Guarini , Brian Hopkins , Bernhard Schaffrik , Nigel Fenwick , Salvatore Schiano , Audrey Hecht , Ian McPherson


Successful digital transformation depends on innovation leadership, yet most firms’ efforts focus on meeting current customer needs or responding to competitive threats. To ensure that your innovation investments position your company for future market leadership, tech executives must assess how customers’ needs are evolving, which market and environmental changes require value shifts going forward, and how emerging technologies can help create net-new customer value. This report shows CIOs how past moonshots by Apple, NASA, Google, and others created technologies and models that defined new standards and apply lessons from these examples to their innovation journeys.

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