Chart Your Course Report

Use Privileged Identity Management Pricing Insight For Buyer Advantage

Understand Pricing Mechanics To Optimize Your PIM Procurement

August 2nd, 2021
Sean Ryan, null
Sean Ryan
With contributors:
Merritt Maxim , Elsa Pikulik , Peggy Dostie


Privileged identity management (PIM) solutions are a core component of maintaining a confidentiality-, integrity-, and empathy-based security control set and securing the most powerful accounts, but purchasing one can be complex. PIM solutions offer many capabilities, with multiple pricing options, integrations, and sometimes hidden and ongoing management costs that can confuse buyers. This report provides security and risk (S&R) pros with essential information to help compare PIM technology provider pricing side by side and account for the all-in costs of buying and maintaining a PIM solution.

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This report is available for individual purchase ($1495).

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