Trends Report

User Experience Salaries Are On The Rise

Results From The Usability Professionals' Association's 2007 Salary Survey

June 4th, 2008
Kerry Bodine, null
Kerry Bodine
With contributors:
Harley Manning , Andrew McInnes


More than 900 US-based user experience (UX) professionals — including information architects, usability practitioners, and interface designers — responded to the 2007 salary survey that the Usability Professionals' Association (UPA) conducted. The data shows that salaries vary by position, experience, advanced degrees, geography, and gender. Across the board, UX salaries have gone up since the UPA conducted its last survey in 2005, but the most experienced practitioners have seen the most significant impact on their paychecks. Given market demand for UX work, hiring managers should expect UX salaries to continue on their upward trajectory.

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