Trends Report

Using Competitors' Trademarks In Your Paid Search Strategy

Best Practices For Competitive Branded Keyword Bidding

January 31st, 2011
Lucilla De Sarlo
With contributors:
Nate Elliott , Emily Riley , Kate van Geldern , James McDavid


Recent changes to Google's trademark bidding policy across Europe have reopened the conversation around the opportunities and threats for companies bidding against competitors' brands. Most interactive marketers have not yet responded, with no more than 4% bidding on competitors' brands; in fact, almost 40% fail even to bid on their own trademarks. To take advantage of this new opportunity, many types of marketers should bid on their competitors' keywords — including lesser-known brands, and well-known brands entering new product categories. Marketers should also use channel partners to protect their brands and avoid the potential threat created by these policies.

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