Trends Report

Using Digital Channels To Create Breakthrough Multichannel Relationships

How eBusiness Executives Can Adapt To Changing Consumer Behavior

February 5th, 2010
Henry Harteveldt, null
Henry Harteveldt
With contributors:
Carrie Johnson , Kate van Geldern , Elizabeth Stark


Operating in a multichannel environment isn't new, but it's becoming increasingly complex. Customers spend more time online and increasingly use digital channels to do more than just buy goods — they now routinely use digital channels to gather information, transact, and obtain help. In response, organizations must incorporate more digital channels into their multichannel strategies and tactics, including mobile and social media. Succeeding won't be easy: Few companies are committed to supporting effective multichannel experiences. Companies that don't address this effectively put the relevancy of their digital channels, and perhaps even their brand image, at risk. To create and sustain breakthrough multichannel relationships across digital channels, eBusiness executives must deploy the right tools, like channel-appropriate communications, and rethink organizational structures to ensure that they are focused on the customer, not the channel.

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