Trends Report

Using Paid And Earned Media Together

How Advertising Campaigns And Social Marketing Influence Each Other

August 24th, 2010
Sean Corcoran, null
Sean Corcoran
With contributors:
Emily Riley , Angie Polanco


While it's very helpful to categorize the different online media touchpoints into groups such as earned, owned, and paid media, it's important to recognize that all of these touchpoints influence each other. In fact paid media in the form of advertising can play a role as a catalyst in social marketing while social marketing can play a significant role in influencing advertising results. Interactive marketers should start to integrate paid and earned media by: 1) using paid media to catalyze social applications; 2) using advertising campaigns as a springboard for paid media assets; 3) using social data to target, measure, and optimize display media programs; and 4) incorporating earned media from social programs into paid media content.

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