Decision Tool

Virtualization In Greater China 2010 To 2011: End User Adoption Trends

September 15th, 2011
Michael Barnes, null
Michael Barnes
With contributors:
Jancy Jiang , Miroslaw Lisserman


This report provides an overview of virtualization end user adoption trends in Greater China. It focuses not only on adoption trends but also on deployment patterns, demand drivers, adoption barriers, and overall virtualization patterns across desktops, servers, storage, and applications. Consistent with regional trends, server virtualization is the primary focus for most organizations in Greater China; however, demand for virtualization in Greater China lags behind all other APEJ countries surveyed except Korea. Desktop virtualization continues to lag well behind server, storage, and application in Greater China.Survey data within the report is a result of 99 interviews with CIOs, IT managers, and line-of-business managers in Greater China during July 2010. These report findings are part of a broader survey that extends across Asia Pacific.

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