Trends Report

Web Site User Experience 2010: US Banks

Forrester Applies Its Web Site User Experience Review Methodology To Six Top US Banks

April 30th, 2010
Harley Manning, null
Harley Manning
With contributors:
Brad Strothkamp , Rachel Zinser , Richard Gans


Forrester evaluated the user experience at the public-facing Web sites of the six leading US banks by assets: Bank of America, Chase, Citibank, PNC Financial Services, US Bank, and Wells Fargo. Overall scores were high, compared with the average for US sites in general. Bank of America led the pack, and Citibank followed close behind. The most common usability flaws we uncovered across all of the banks included inefficient task flows, illegible fonts, wasted space, and hard-to-find privacy and security policies. To improve the online user experiences they offer, and in the process differentiate from competitors, banks should follow the principles of Scenario Design, emphasize design basics, and move toward an online future where site content is customized, aggregated, relevant, and social.

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