Trends Report

What Business Process Pros Need To Do About Demand Management

March 2nd, 2011
Alexander Peters, Ph.D., null
Alexander Peters, Ph.D.
With contributors:
Emily Fowler-Cornfeld , Rob Karel , Connie Moore


Demand management (DM) describes an enterprisewide optimization approach for business processes and technology usage. When managed well, DM will help business process executives effectively resolve outstanding challenges such as consolidating disjointed business processes, addressing cross-functional business processes, and increasing the utilization and efficiency of IT capabilities and services. The practical implementation of DM requires the deployment of a dedicated enterprise-level function, which manages the relationships between business processes and IT services with help from six strategic areas: enterprise architecture, portfolio management, finance management, performance management, IT governance, and risk management. Critical to DM's success is the effective collaboration between business process pros and senior IT executives.

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