Trends Report

What Do You Need From Your Digital Experience Services Partner?

Firms Must Look To Services Partners That Support Omnichannel Digital Customer Experience Delivery

February 17th, 2015
Anjali Yakkundi, null
Anjali Yakkundi
With contributors:
Stephen Powers , Peter Sheldon , Michael Facemire , Sarah Sikowitz , Steven Kesler


A decade ago, companies engaged in a "battle for eyeballs." They spent money driving undifferentiated traffic to their websites under the belief that more was better. But today, companies need to do more. They must create and deliver relevant, cross-channel, contextual experiences critical to the visitor at that moment of their customer journey. This requires a new type of partner that can combine competencies around strategy, design, development, implementation, analytics, and marketing. This report examines how web implementation services will evolve to support broader digital experience delivery requirements, and what types of services partners to consider.

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