Trends Report

What's Your Web Data Integration Strategy?

Marketing Data Reveals Better Insight With Integration

February 19th, 2009
John Lovett
With contributors:
David Daniels , Lauren Jesuitus , Suresh Vittal , Emily Murphy


Customer data is perpetually amassing for marketers with each new campaign, Web site visit, and email delivered, thus creating unprecedented stores of Web data. This information is often siloed within disparate applications providing shallow customer insight, but nearly 80% of Web site decision-makers are unlocking value by integrating Web traffic data, customer profiles, email, and survey data using various tools. However, profuse challenges such as infrastructure constraints, staffing woes, and corporate governance quell many integration initiatives. Despite numerous impediments, 50% of Web site operators stated that they improved the quality of online marketing by integrating Web data. Marketers who heed Forrester's recommendations for integrating Web data for actionable outcomes stand to benefit from increased Web site effectiveness and elevated online customer experiences.

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