Trends Report

Why Mobile's Time Has Come

Consumer-Facing Firms Must Develop, Or Revive, Their Mobile Strategies

July 21st, 2009
Ian Fogg
With contributors:
Michelle de Lussanet , Laura Wiramihardja


Most strategists realize that mobile is hot, but they're perhaps less sure whether this is hot air or the white heat of progress. The high-profile arrival of Apple and Google in the mobile market has focused both consumer and corporate attention on mobile. This time, due to a unique combination of factors that have not occurred previously, the mobile day has truly dawned. As a result, firms must reassess their mobile strategies now and decide upon when — not if — they should launch new mobile products and services. Failure to pick the right approach now will lead to others seizing control of the new landscape that extends to every minute of consumers' lives, 24x7.

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