Trends Report

Will Presence Change How Business Communicates?

September 8th, 2008
Elizabeth Herrell
With contributors:
Ben Echols , Robert Whiteley III


Presence is a key application supported on unified communications (UC) platforms and has the potential to fundamentally change how business manages workplace communications. UC connects multiple applications with a single user interface and enriches the capabilities of those individual components. As well as presence, UC applications include multi-modal conferencing, rich-media video, voice and desktop call control, unified messaging, and mobility. Presence applications introduce a significant change in how employees connect with each other and allow organizations to progress from their standard communications rate to real-time, Internet-speed communications. They transform communications by reducing message tag and enabling business to improve responsiveness to time-sensitive issues. Although presence standards are still maturing, its current benefits make presence worthy of consideration today to help businesses better manage pressing issues that require employee collaboration.

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