Trends Report

Workforce Personas And The Mobile App Gap

Productivity Apps, Process Apps, Or Both? Personas Help You Decide

November 4th, 2013
With contributors:
Khalid Kark , Philipp Karcher , Nancy Wang


The mobile mind shift that people are experiencing at home — to expect everything on a mobile device — drives their mobile expectations at work as well. IT is slow to respond with mobile business apps, so employees plug the "app gap" on their own. Some bring in productivity apps like Dropbox or Evernote or Quickoffice, and others focus on process apps like Smartsheet or TripIt. To find out which apps your employees really need, start by segmenting your workforce into different groups based on their need for mobility and the kind of work they do. We have updated our workforce personas with the latest Forrsights workforce data to highlight the differences between mobile professionals that need productivity apps and mobile practitioners that need process apps. Use these personas to drive your business case and funding discussion for plugging the app gap.

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