Trends Report

A Chief Sales Officer’s Guide To Articulating And Activating Purpose And Values

April 13th, 2022
Nancy Maluso, null
Nancy Maluso
With contributors:
Ian Bruce , Dipanjan Chatterjee , Katy Tynan , Matthew Flug , Jennifer Ross , Philip Harrell , Mallory Icenhower , Jen Barton


To attract and retain today’s values-driven employees and customers, chief sales officers (CSOs) and sales leaders must embed their company’s purpose and values throughout their selling organization. Sales leaders can achieve this by articulating and activating the company’s purpose and how the company executes its values. The time to act, however, is now. Soon all B2B companies will jump on this bandwagon, and the ability to distinguish your sales team and company will diminish. This report clarifies for CSOs and sales leaders how to articulate and activate their company’s purpose and values to achieve goals.

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