Trends Report

Brief: Key Differentiators In State-Of-The-Art Banking Platforms

Use Five Key Differentiators Of Customer-Centric Banking Platforms To Shape Your Shortlist

September 27th, 2016
Jost Hoppermann, null
Jost Hoppermann
With contributors:
Christopher Andrews , Joseph Miller


The vast majority of banks are now working on some form of incremental digital banking initiatives. However, digital banking is more than a great set of channel solutions: To deliver full digital banking — and thus an end-to-end, real-time customer experience — application development and delivery (AD&D) teams need to embrace customer-facing processes. This brief provides an overview of the top five differentiators for banking platforms. These differentiators will help AD&D professionals to more rapidly design shortlists and their banks to win, serve, and retain customers.

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