Trends Report

Brief: Meta-DSPs — One Buy Platform To Rule Them All?

New Tools For Trading Desks Accelerate Consolidation Of The Buy-Side Ad Tech Landscape

January 27th, 2016
Samantha Merlivat, null
Samantha Merlivat
Richard Joyce, null
Richard Joyce
With contributors:
Luca S. Paderni , Kasia Madej , Wei-ming Egelman , Laura Glazer


A handful of trading desks have developed so-called "meta-DSP" capabilities: an integration layer that lets them manage and optimize campaigns across multiple DSPs from one single entry point. These capabilities have the potential to change the dynamics of current vendor relationships and overcome some of the issues inherent to the programmatic ecosystem that weigh down campaign performance. This report takes a look at what marketers need to know about these platforms today.

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