Trends Report

Case Study: Rogers Communications Pilots A New Customer Experience Strategy

John Dalton
Amelia Sizemore
 and  one contributors
Aug 09, 2013


In 2011, the customer experience team at Rogers Communications, Canada's largest telecommunications carrier, was beating its collective head against a wall — how could it operationalize its newly minted customer experience strategy, prove the business benefits of the strategy's implementation, and do so in a way that was unique to Rogers? The solution: targeted experimentation. For one year, the team sectioned off a region in northern Toronto as a test area and launched a controlled experiment called the "Hot House." In just 18 weeks from inception to launch, the team picked five customer journeys for end-to-end design and redefined employee behaviors toward this customer group. The results demonstrate the power of quickly piloting and evaluating a small set of crisply defined customer experience programs.

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