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Consumers And Online Privacy: How Much Information Is Too Much?

Forrester Technographics Digital Consumer Community Report, August 2011

Reineke Reitsma
 and  three contributors
Aug 01, 2011


Sixty-five percent of US online consumers report being very concerned about the recording and collection of their personal details by websites, and more than 60% are worried about personal information being found by others. Forrester conducted a qualitative study with our online consumer community to gather information around what drives this concern. For the most part, consumers are willing to share a reasonable amount of information with companies they know. However, they quickly become uncomfortable if it seems like a company is requesting unnecessary information. Consumers recognize that different companies need different information, and they’re willing to provide this information as long as it makes sense to them. It’s necessary for marketers to strike a balance between their needs and respecting consumers’ privacy. This report gives deeper insight into when consumers are willing to share their information with companies and what they expect in return.

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