Trends Report

Develop Your Service Management And Automation Balanced Scorecard

June 14th, 2012
Stephen Mann, null
Stephen Mann
With contributors:
Doug Washburn , Laura Koetzle , Eveline Oehrlich , Lindsey Kempton , Rachel A. Dines


This report outlines Forrester's solution for IT infrastructure and operations (I&O) professionals to develop effective objectives and metrics for their service management and automation (SMA) program. This is important because the current state of SMA metrics is unsatisfactory: Most I&O leaders often struggle to know which metrics to use or how to collect the data they need for the metrics, while others establish too many metrics and then struggle to identify significant data points. To rectify this, leading I&O departments have started using Norton and Kaplan's Balanced Scorecard (BSC) method of measuring performance as a framework to select the right metrics and keep them organized to demonstrate business value, become more proactive, and align I&O priorities and incentives. This report outlines the BSC methodology and how it can be applied to your SMA program.

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