Data Snapshot

Enterprise Architecture Is Still Not Getting The Recognition It Deserves

Less Than Half Of Firms Worldwide Have An Operating Unit Dedicated To EA

February 13th, 2023
With contributors:
Charles Betz , Paul McKay , Zaklina Ber , Rachel Birrell

Enterprise architecture groups of some flavor exist in 45% of organizations globally, according to respondents to Forrester’s Modern Technology Operations Survey, 2022; however, 30% tell us that their company had such a department but has disbanded it. This data is consistent with what we often hear from Forrester clients: They establish architecture teams that then fall into various traps (e.g., being seen as an “ivory tower”) and are disbanded — only to be re-formed in a repetitive cycle. This is a waste of time and energy. We encourage enterprise architecture leaders to adopt a business-outcome-oriented, principles-based architecture practice to ensure long-term relevance and survival.

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