Best Practice Report

Evaluating The Success Of An Account-Based Marketing Pilot

January 1st, 2018
Robert Peterson, null
Robert Peterson


Using a pilot to launch an account-based marketing (ABM) initiative helps a company understand what’s required to support ABM. A formal process for evaluating the success of an ABM pilot helps companies see where they’ve achieved success and where additional effort and investment are needed. The Forrester ABM Pilot Evaluation Checklist assesses multiple categories, providing a comprehensive view of a pilot’s impact.

Many companies start their account-based marketing (ABM) programs with a pilot program. By testing the chosen ABM strategy — large-account, named-account or industry ABM — on a small scale, the ABM team can improve its understanding of the competencies, infrastructure and alignment required before rolling out the program to a broader set of accounts. In this report, we introduce a three-part checklist to help companies measure the success of an ABM pilot and prepare for full program rollout.

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