Forecast Report

Forrester Data: Email Marketing Forecast, 2016 To 2021 (US)

ForecastView Spreadsheet

October 14th, 2016
Brandon Verblow, null
Brandon Verblow
With contributors:
Shar VanBoskirk , Rebecca McAdams , Sanjeev Kumar


Given the proliferation of novel digital marketing channels available to businesses, marketing decision-makers may wonder whether more traditional digital marketing channels like email are falling out of favor. In this update to our US email marketing forecast, we provide guidance on how email marketing spending will evolve over the next five years and which of 11 industry sectors we expect to drive that growth. To support these estimates, we provide forecasts on the number of online users and email users segmented into seven age groups, the number of mobile email users, and the expected commercial and noncommercial email volume. The report includes historical data going back to 2005 and a five-year forecast.

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