Forecast Report

Forrester Data: Online Display Advertising Forecast, 2016 To 2021 (US), Q3 2016 Update

ForecastView Spreadsheet

January 4th, 2017
Brandon Verblow, null
Brandon Verblow
With contributors:
Shaurya Priya , Satish Meena , Susan Bidel , Richard Joyce


Online display advertising is a fragmented market, with revenue split among a variety of media companies and adtech players. This report synthesizes data from a variety of sources including industry organizations, company financial results, and Forrester Technographics® survey data. For marketers, it offers guidance on how to allocate ad dollars across a variety channels. For media and adtech companies, it provides insight into how their digital revenues are likely to evolve and in which digital channels they should be investing. In particular, this forecast provides detail on how online display spending is segmented by media format (banner, rich media, and video), device (desktop/laptop and mobile), mobile platform (in-app and mobile web), inventory source (programmatic, ad network, and direct buy), pricing scheme (impression-based and performance-based), and industry end-market. For context, we also include offline advertising spending.

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