Decision Tool

Forrester's Security Awareness Assessment

August 14th, 2013
Andrew Rose, null
Andrew Rose
With contributors:
Christopher McClean , Eric Chi


The Forrester Security Awareness Assessment Tool was created to accompany the report entitled "Measuring Security Awareness To Enhance The Human Firewall." Recognizing the problems of measuring behavior, in that it is too unpredictable and dependant on uncontrolled variables, Forrester provides S&R professionals with a toolkit that can indicate the behavioral environment they have created. By measuring responses to questionnaires from staff, you can chart your environment of security awareness and draw conclusions on the success, or failure, of your messaging and communication efforts. This enables you to identify weaknesses and focus upon to improve behavior. This tool also includes references and example outputs for other popular behavioral metrics, such as password strength measurement, DLP overrides and phishing test fails.

Want to read the full report?

This report is not available for purchase at this time.

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