Trends Report

Global, Industry, And Technology Forces Shape The ERP Landscape

May 9th, 2013
China Martens, null
China Martens
Paul D. Hamerman, null
Paul D. Hamerman
With contributors:
George Lawrie , Mike Gilpin , Nasry Angel


Three key forces are reshaping the enterprise resource planning (ERP) market: the growing demands of global businesses; the increasing need for industry-specific functionality; and the expanding use of newer technologies like software-as-a-service (SaaS) and mobile apps. This report, one of several market landscape reports in the business applications playbook, helps application development and delivery (AD&D) professionals and their ERP business partners understand the forces changing the ERP application market landscape and the impact these forces will have on the evolution of the ERP category. This understanding is crucial to an informed application strategy as ERP becomes much more modular and achieves a balance between a limited set of core standard functionality and a wide variety of plug-in functional components, each of which will focus on one or more elements of a particular ERP business process.

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