Trends Report

How To Get The Most From Design Personas

It's All About Process, Buy-In, And Solid Personas

October 14th, 2008
Vidya L. Drego, null
Vidya L. Drego
With contributors:
Bruce D. Temkin , Rachel Zinser , Andrew McInnes


Spending for personas continues to increase, but companies don't use them regularly. Our research uncovered three drivers of persona success: a design process that explicitly incorporates personas, an appropriately developed persona, and organizational buy-in to the use of those personas. But not all companies can immediately master these items. We found that companies advance their persona practice through five levels of maturity: isolated, connected, integrated, absorbed, and immersed. Companies interested in taking their persona efforts to the next level should begin by identifying projects that should use personas, creating a solid research plan, and integrating them into concrete deliverables.

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