Chart Your Course Report

Introducing The Forrester Sales And Marketing Integrated Workflow For Emerging Companies

September 9th, 2020
Nancy Maluso, null
Nancy Maluso
Barbie Mattie, null
Barbie Mattie
With contributors:
Jennifer Rouse , Matt Papertsian


Emerging-company leaders must agree on and form their functional strategies and plans to align with their company’s revenue growth strategy. Sales and marketing leaders must take the proper steps to create and execute a repeatable, scalable, and dependable revenue engine. This workflow outlines the four phases required for companies to develop and execute strategies effectively to drive growth. Emerging companies have many pieces to assemble to create a revenue engine. Emerging-company leaders must understand where they need tight alignment and where they should allow more flexibility. They must build their revenue engine quickly and efficiently but still make it repeatable, scalable, and predictable. In this report, we introduce leaders of emerging companies to the four phases of an integrated B2B sales and marketing workflow that provides the blueprint for creating a fully productive revenue engine.

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