Trends Report

IT Infrastructure Outsourcing In Asia Pacific Requires Country-Specific Strategies

A Review Of ITO Trends In Four Important Asia Pacific Markets

 and  two contributors
Aug 15, 2011


Asia Pacific represents the fastest-growing, yet underdeveloped geographic segment of the global infrastructure management services (IMS) market. Over the next five years, market watchers will see significant growth in IMS spend within this region, driven by growing firms within Asia Pacific countries and global enterprises seeking IMS support in Asia Pacific locations. This explosive growth, however, raises questions about the viability of supply within individual markets, especially given the stark contrasts in political environment, economic stability, and infrastructure maturity across countries in the region. Because of this disparity, sourcing and vendor management (SVM) professionals must adapt their global or regional IT strategies and take a more country-specific approach. To do this, they will have to evaluate each country separately — along with the true depth of vendor capabilities in each country — before attempting to work with indigenous suppliers. This document outlines key factors to consider in India, China, and Australia/New Zealand, and ASEAN countries, and highlights the important role of global providers in government expansion.

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