Best Practice Report

Own Your Audience In Six Steps

Activities and deliverables that emerging-growth companies can use to reach their ideal target audience

Barbie Mattie
May 02, 2021


Emerging companies often assume, based on early success, that they know their audience. As an emerging company grows, however, the ideal prospect is often not the same as the company’s initial customers. To continue growing, formal audience identification and prioritization become essential, and if C-suite and revenue engine leaders (i.e., sales, product, marketing) do not align on a go-to-market approach, resources will be wasted and success limited. Although time is always of the essence in emerging companies, marketing leaders must still take a data-driven approach to creating a plan that supports the company’s go-to-market strategy. In this report, we highlight key audience planning activities and deliverables that emerging-growth companies can leverage to find and use audience data in a meaningful way, identify their ideal target audiences, and effectively market and sell to those audiences.

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