Best Practice Report

Process And Planning Help You Make The Right Choices For Your B2B Marketing Tech Stack

April 26th, 2021
Lori Wizdo, null
Lori Wizdo
With contributors:
Steven Casey , Caroline Robertson , Miriam ElKorchi , Kara Hartig


B2B marketing technology (martech) vendors are diversifying, deepening, and extending their portfolios through acquisition and organic development. It’s a confusing technology landscape, and B2B marketers need to be thoughtful about their technology selection process. Start with a roadmap that will deliver the optimal martech stack. Move beyond a features-war mindset to a proof-of-capabilities approach. Engage a broad set of internal and external advisors. And consider each vendor’s strategy, roadmap, and track record when making B2B martech decisions. In this report, we show you how a purposeful, collaborative, and governed decision process to select martech will pay off.

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This report is available for individual purchase ($1495).

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