Trends Report

Recalibrate SAP's Role In Advancing Your BT Strategy

BT Vendor Profile: SAP

August 28th, 2015
Paul D. Hamerman, null
Paul D. Hamerman
With contributors:
Pascal Matzke , Kate Leggett , Duncan Jones , Andrew Bartels , Joseph Miller , Ian McPherson


As momentum grows behind the business technology (BT) agenda, CIOs will have to reassess and evolve their technology vendor relationships to align future technology investments with their ability to win, serve, and retain customers. In this report, we analyze whether SAP can be a leading contributor to your BT agenda, or whether it will remain a legacy IT incumbent at the system-of-record level. SAP is making major investments to revitalize its flagship business application suite as SAP S/4Hana, which extensively leverages its in-memory database platform, real-time analytics, and a new user experience. In addition, the vendor is bolstering complementary cloud-based applications and platforms around line-of-business (LoB) requirements. Using the BT vendor assessment framework described in this report, you should determine whether SAP aligns with your customer-centered business strategy, or whether you should invest more in BT from other vendors.

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