Trends Report

The Age Of Agents — GenAI-Fueled Virtual Assistants Will Fundamentally Change Digital Interactions

Corporations Are Not Ready For The Next UI Revolution

August 2nd, 2023
With contributors:


Corporations are rushing to find use cases for generative AI (genAI), eager to push the productivity frontier. Consumers, not bound by regulation, are adopting at a much faster pace. This trend could fundamentally change the way consumers interact and engage with the internet and digital businesses. Consumers will soon direct digital assistants that write code and analyze and create images, text, and videos to achieve an assigned goal. Today, shopping bots are largely used for specialized, one-off transactions; with the advent of genAI and AutoGPT, these bots will become coordinated. Read this report to understand the implication of this UI revolution and how to adapt your thinking to prepare.

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