Wave Report

The Forrester Wave™: B2C eCommerce Platforms, Q4 2010

IBM, Hybris, ATG, Demandware, And iCongo Lead, With Many Others Close Behind

October 21st, 2010
Brian K. Walker, null
Brian K. Walker
With contributors:
Carrie Johnson , Benjamin Zeidler


In Forrester's 111-criteria evaluation of the top 12 global enterprise-class eCommerce platform vendors, we found that IBM, hybris, Art Technology Group (ATG), Demandware, and iCongo led the pack with their comprehensive eCommerce features, overall effective business tools, and flexibility to meet today's eCommerce and multichannel business needs. Fry, Intershop, and Elastic Path Software represent strong solutions with varying models, vertical specialties, and key differentiators. Escalate Retail, Venda, MarketLive, and Microsoft represent unique solutions at different stages of maturity and evolution, with solutions largely focused on midtier eCommerce retailers. Each of these solutions represents a fit for some segment of the global business-to-consumer (B2C) enterprise eCommerce platform market. With this detailed evaluation and report, we evaluate these solutions to help eBusiness executives and technology leaders determine the best fit for their organizations as they grow, mature, and scale their online businesses.

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