Wave Report

The Forrester Wave™: Business Rules Platforms, Q1 2006

ILOG, Fair Isaac, And Pegasystems Lead In Our Lab-Based Evaluation

John Rymer
 and  three contributors
Jan 04, 2006


To assess the state of the business rules platform market and see how the vendors stack up against each other, Forrester evaluated the strengths and weaknesses of top business rules platform vendors across 174 criteria. Business rules platforms are an increasingly popular alternative to conventional programming to automate decisions, analysis to action, and policy compliance. This popularity is indicated by the large volume of Forrester client inquiries on the topic and the strongly growing revenues of most business rules platform providers. The results of our evaluation: Fair Isaac, ILOG, and Pegasystems are the Leaders in general-purpose platforms for IT because of their comprehensive developer features, rules management features, and strong presence in the market. However, specialist vendors like Corticon Technologies, Haley Systems, and Resolution EBS are the Leaders in platforms for nonprogrammers and nontraditional rules development — just one of the new product segments emerging within the business rules platform market. Included in this report is an interactive vendor comparison tool that provides detailed product evaluations and customizable rankings.

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