Wave Report

The Forrester Wave™: National Innovation Networks, Q4 2006

A Quantitative Evaluation Of 26 Nations In Four Global Innovation Competencies

December 12th, 2006
Michelle de Lussanet
Navi Radjou
With contributors:
Jaap Favier , Ashara Giordanelli , Niek Van Veen


Governments put innovation high on their national agendas as a way of creating jobs, economic growth, and general well-being. But much of the tax money invested goes to waste because many politicians and bureaucrats confuse innovation with invention. Successful strategies will build on the comparative advantage of each nation in a global Innovation Network consisting of Inventor, Transformer, Financier, and Broker nations. Developed nations should select two of these innovation roles, while developing nations should stick to one. Our evaluation shows 26 different nations which roles they should focus on and with which other nations they can partner to make their policies a success.

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