
The Guide To Grading And Cleaning A Sales Funnel

Jan 01, 2018


Maintaining an accurate and up-to-date sales funnel — and regularly assessing its health — is critical in all sales organizations. Sales operations must set standards for funnel accuracy and provide the sales force with tools to maintain funnel discipline. Use the Forrester Funnel Grading Template to assess the sales funnel and drive funnel accuracy improvements. In B2B sales organizations, maintaining basic sales funnel health and cleanliness helps prevent more serious issues — leading to better overall results. It holds reps accountable for providing accurate, real-time updates, improves sales follow-through on all opportunities (not just the ones that are going well) and improves reporting and forecast accuracy. In this report, we introduce a grading template that sales operations can use to quickly assess funnel health and cleanliness, along with guidance on how to engage sales reps and leaders in the effort to keep funnel data clean and accurate.

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