Data Overview Report

The State Of Consumers And Technology: Benchmark 2010, US

North American Consumer Technographics®

Jacqueline Anderson
 and  three contributors
Sep 21, 2010


This report is a graphical analysis of Forrester's North American Technographics® Benchmark Survey, 2010 (US, Canada). It provides a generational overview of US consumers' demographics, behaviors, and technology attitudes. We have included five-year forecasts on the adoption of PCs (laptops and desktops), Internet, broadband, high-definition televisions (HDTVs), home networks, DVRs, and eReaders. Forrester's Technographics data reveals that while Gen Yers (ages 18 to 30) lead adoption of almost every online behavior, Gen Xers (ages 31 to 44) are a close rival. Gen Xers use digital applications as a functional extension of their lives. Boomers (ages 45 to 65) and Seniors (ages 66 and older) are more reserved in their adoption of technologies and digital behaviors but do adopt technologies that play a role in pre-established behaviors.

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